Summer Academy Course Guide 2025
Session One • June 16 - 27
Session Two • July 7 - 18
Students should register for classes based on the grade they will enter in the fall.
Term 1-2 and courses ending with an “a” = June
Term 3-4 and courses ending with a “b” = July
Courses ending with an “ab” = June and July class
Period 1 = 8 a.m., Period 2 = 9 a.m., Period 3 = 10 a.m., Period 4 = 11 a.m.
Period 0 = This is for band students only. Students do not come to school at 7:30 a.m. Students enrolled in band will be pulled from one of their regular Summer Academy courses for their lesson. This allows you to choose band along with two other courses per session.
All band lessons are held in room 155.
Middle School
Physical Education
Summer Band • Grades 6-8
Online Registration via Family Access is open February 23 - March 20, 2024.
Contact Erica Bills at biller@elkhorn.k12.wi.us or 262-741-9199 with questions.