Application Process
Have more questions or want to learn more about our school?
Please schedule a meeting by using the links below.
Ready to enroll?
Follow the steps below:
Complete the Options Virtual Charter School Application. If you are enrolling more than one student, a separate form will need to be completed for each student.
If you live outside of the Elkhorn Area School District, you'll need to complete an Open Enrollment or Alternative Open Enrollment application. This is a digital form that will be automatically sent to Jodi Essman, Open Enrollment Coordinator, when you click submit. This form tells the State of Wisconsin that you wish for your student to attend a school outside of your resident school district.
Complete New Student Enrollment. This is the application that enrolls your student in the Elkhorn Area School District.
Read the instructions on the webpage and scroll down to the Let’s Get Started section.
Click the appropriate box “This is my first student enrolling in EASD…” or “I have other students enrolled in EASD and already have a Family Access account …” and follow the instructions for either logging in or requesting a Family Access account.
If you need assistance, reach out to Katie Hoffman, our registrar. Her email is
Please note: The New Student Enrollment application is NOT mobile-friendly. It will need to be completed on a laptop or desktop computer.