Elementary Excellence

U.S. News & World Reports honors EASD Elementaries

Jackson, Tibbets, and West Side Elementary Schools have been named to the 2025 list of U.S. News & World Reports Best Elementary Schools.

U.S. News assesses schools across the country, looking at what percentage of students are proficient or above proficient in their math and reading/language arts state assessments. All three Elkhorn elementaries scored in the top 40% in Wisconsin.

EASD educators will tell you that it isn't the test scores that make our elementary schools excellent; it's the academic and social growth we see over time, the love of learning, and the "future-ready" skills we develop each day in our students that is the true marker of success.

Amy Gee, 4K-5th grade Director of Curriculum and Instruction, sat down with us to share the exciting work being done in our elementary schools. Gee shared that the community is truly blessed to have an outstanding team of experienced and dedicated educators working for the Elkhorn Area School District. Gee notes that cross-collaboration between the three elementary schools creates a continuity of instruction across campuses, ensuring that all EASD elementary students are given the same opportunities for growth. Gee notes the importance of our academic enrichment programs and family engagement in getting and keeping kids excited in the classroom.

Students in classroom"Balancing our curriculum with enrichment opportunities keeps kids interested in learning and provides an opportunity for kids to shine," Gee says. There's no better example of this than our annual Creativity Conference. Each spring, kindergarten through 5th-grade students from all three elementary schools and Options Virtual Charter School come together to share individual projects. Students become the teachers—sharing lessons on everything from the history of the Milwaukee Bucks and how to make maple syrup to lessons on baton twirling and how volcanoes work.

Math24 is a beloved annual competition for our 4th and 5th graders. Students work throughout the year to qualify for the championship tournament at the District Office. Math24 is a card game where students use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to turn the numbers on the cards in front of them into "24."

Perhaps the most notable of our elementary enrichment programs is Summer Academy. Summer Academy provides a continuum of learning for K-8 students, allowing them to pursue their interests outside of the classroom. It also helps combat the "summer slide," where students lose academic skills over the break. Summer Academy allows our students to reinforce what they've learned throughout the year and transition smoothly back to school in the fall. Summer Academy provides an academic and social connection for our students; something unique that other districts may not offer.

Students in classroomTo monitor and assess the success of our instruction, the district has turned toward the iReady tool. iReady helps to inform our instruction by providing teachers with diagnostic information and creating individualized learning paths in math and reading for students. These tailored lessons are designed to meet students where they're at and help get them where they need to be, reassuring parents and educators alike.

One of the most significant components of our elementary success is the engagement of our families in our schools. Our elementaries may follow the same curriculum, but they each have a culture unique their building. The annual Tibbets Art Auction, the Jackson Walk-A-Thon, and the West Side Fall Fest are all perfect examples of our school families coming together to foster a sense of neighborhood and community for our youngest learners.

The support of our families is instrumental in our success. When parents and caregivers are involved, students are more engaged. Contact your local elementary to find out how you can get involved and help keep our elementary schools excellent!