We're still celebrating Autism Acceptance Month, celebrating minds of all kinds!
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Autism acceptance 2
Autism acceptance 1
Habitat for Humanity and Elkhorn YouthBuild are partnering to construct another home in our area and are now accepting resident applications. If you or a family you know are interested in applying for a Habitat Home, please visit habitatwalworth.org/apply. Applications are open April through May. Applicants must also attend an orientation session.
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Habitat for Humanity
Project Shady Tennis construction is officially underway! Through the generosity of @FLAC, @RothandSonsFence, and an anonymous donor, the EAHS tennis courts are finally getting TWO 18’x30’ shade sails over the bleachers. Sunburns no more for our families and spectators. Roth site supervisor (and cattle dog), Scout, says they’ll be ready in time for the ribbon cutting and boys tournament on April 25!
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Tennis Courts
Tennis Courts
Tennis Courts
Tennis Courts
Tennis Courts
Calling all three-year-olds! The Elkhorn Playgroup is still accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year. Register online at tinyurl.com/elk-playgroup-24 This program is a playgroup consisting of five students with special needs and five typically developing students. It meets multiple times a week for two hours a day at Jackson Elementary School in Mrs. Kitzmiller’s classroom. During this program, play-based learning will expose students to literacy, gross and fine motor, and language development activities. This model allows for enrichment for all children who participate in the program. Research shows that these blended classrooms provide benefits for all children who participate. To be eligible to attend: Children should be three years old by September 1, 2024, and toilet trained. Registration is limited to five students per session, and a lottery system will be utilized to determine placement. The lottery will be held on May 15, 2024, and families will be notified by May 20, 2024, if their child is selected to attend. Families of peer models will need to provide their own transportation to and from school. Please contact Jill Kitzmiller at kitzji@elkhorn.k12.wi.us if you would like further information.
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Elkhorn Playgroup
Interested in becoming a nurse? Gateway is offering a Practical Nursing program in Elkhorn starting this summer! Summer term starts on May 6. Students who are interested in applying can do so online at gtc.edu/apply.
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Gateway nursing program
April is Autism Acceptance Month, and the Elkhorn Autism Support Team (EAST) and district staff are showing their support!
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Autism Acceptance 4
Autism Acceptance 3
Autism Acceptance 2
Autism Acceptance 1
🚨Looking to get involved? We're still looking for Volunteers!🚨 All EAHS, CCA, and Options 9th-12th graders are invited to join us in the Elkhorn High School main gym at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, for the Great Give Back! Sign up online @ tinyurl.com/GGB-2024 Sponsored by the Nicholas D. Sergi Foundation, the Great Give Back is a day of volunteering and giving back to our community. We'll be doing projects for local businesses and our neighbors all over town.
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Great Give Back - April 13, 2024
April is Autism Awareness Month, and the Elkhorn Autism Support Team (EAST) invites you to “Celebrate Differences” for the 6th year. Join us as we raise awareness to promote Autism acceptance, celebrate each individual's unique differences, and foster inclusivity and connectedness. For the month of April, you will see posts on interesting facts and thoughts on various topics. Thank you for supporting EAST and our Autism Students.
9 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Autism Awareness Month
Shout out to Elkhorn Area High School FCCLA! Our FCCLA chapter was recently recognized in the FCCLA Member Minute national publication for its work with the Spirit of Hope Homeless Shelter. Sam and Rose, two of our Culinary 4 students, were also just announced as winners of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association/Nestle Chocolate Contest for their Salted Caramel and Nestle Chocolate Cashew Banana Bread.
9 months ago, Community Engagement
FCCLA Member Minute
Salted Caramel Banana Bread
The Walworth County Human Resource Association (WCHRA) is offering two post-graduate scholarships for Walworth County High School graduates actively pursuing a major or minor in Human Resources, Supervisory Management, or a related discipline focusing on human resource management. Visit www.walcohra.com for more information and an application. Applications are due May 13, 2024.
10 months ago, Katie Hoffman
HR post-grad scholarship
The Elkhorn Area High School Scholarship Foundation is proud to offer post-graduate scholarships to EASD alumni currently enrolled in college or university. Applications are being accepted through May 1, 2024. Visit www.eahsscholarship.com/alumni-scholarships.html to learn more and apply!
10 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Post-Grad Scholarships
The Elkhorn Autism Support Team (EAST) is selling t-shirts to raise awareness about Autism and neurodiversity. The money raised will support EAST's mission of providing support, education, and resources while increasing understanding of Autism for students, school staff, families, and the community. These supports include posting monthly tips for staff members to reference, problem-solving and collaborating with staff about the needs of specific students, and developing professional development for teachers, staff, and the community. Visit https://www.classmunity.com/elkhornwi/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2437 to purchase your shirt! All orders are due by 3/15/2024 at midnight so they can be available in April, Autism Month. EAST will email everyone when they are ready, and all orders will be sent to the school of your choice for pickup. Please contact Mindy Binnie at binnmi@elkhorn.k12.wi.us if you have any questions.
10 months ago, Community Engagement
EAST Tshirt
Calling all high schoolers! We're looking for volunteers on Saturday, April 13 for the 2024 Great Give Back! Sign up in the EAHS main office or online @ tinuyrl.com/GGB-2024 The Great Give Back, formerly known as Day of Action, is a day of volunteering and giving back to our community. We'll be doing projects for local businesses and our neighbors all over town. The Great Give Back is sponsored by our friends at the @Nicholas D. Sergi Foundation.
11 months ago, Community Engagement
GGB 2024
Matheson Memorial Library and the Rotary Club of Elkhorn are hosting an EASD School Board Candidate Forum on Wednesday, March 13 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the library.
11 months ago, Katie Hoffman
candidate forum
Durham School Services is hiring bus drivers! Visit Careers.nellc.com and search "Elkhorn" to learn more.
11 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Durham Bus Drivers
Summer Academy 2024 registration is now OPEN! Visit https://www.elkhorn.k12.wi.us/page/summer-academy to learn more and check out the 2024 Summer Academy course guide. Registration closes March 20. If you have questions, please contact Erica Bills at biller@elkhorn.k12.wi.us.
11 months ago, Community Engagement
Summer Academy 24
Let's knock down some pins for a good cause! Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity in Walworth County.
11 months ago, Community Engagement
Bowling for Housing
It's Wisconsin Adult School Crossing Guard Week! We just wanted to take a minute to STOP and thank all our wonderful school crossing guards for getting our students safely to and from school each day!
11 months ago, Community Engagement
Crossing Guard
It's Wisconsin School Bus Driver Appreciation Week! We want to give a HUGE shout-out to our Durham School Services bus drivers! Thank you for getting our students safely to and from school each day!
11 months ago, Community Engagement
Thank you bus drivers
Calling all three-year-olds! The Elkhorn Playgroup is accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year. Register online at tinyurl.com/elk-playgroup-24 This program is a playgroup consisting of five students with special needs and five typically developing students. It meets multiple times a week for two hours a day at Jackson Elementary School in Mrs. Kitzmiller’s classroom. During this program, play-based learning will expose students to literacy, gross and fine motor, and language development activities. This model allows for enrichment for all children who participate in the program. Research shows that these blended classrooms provide benefits for all children who participate. To be eligible to attend: Children should be three years old by September 1, 2024, and toilet trained. Registration is limited to five students per session, and a lottery system will be utilized to determine placement. The lottery will be held on May 15, 2024, and families will be notified by May 20, 2024, if their child is selected to attend. Families of peer models will need to provide their own transportation to and from school. Please contact Jill Kitzmiller at kitzji@elkhorn.k12.wi.us if you would like further information.
11 months ago, Katie Hoffman
Playgroup 2024-25